
The Power of Breath


Discover the Mysterious Power of Breathing!

“The Power of Breath: A 24-Hour Guide to Transforming Your Life Through Conscious Breathing”

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  • Prednaročniška cena 23,90€
  • Dobite podpisani izvod še pred dogodkom in uradnim izidom knjige 2.12. 2023
  • 20% popust na katerokoli vstopnico za online dogodek Dober dih; kodo dobite ob prednaročilu
  • Takojšen dostop do dodatnih 4 poglavij, ki niso vključena v knjigo, predstavljajo pa teoretične in praktične osnove in so zanimivo ter poučno branje; kodo dobite ob prednaročilu
  • Ob naročilu takoj dobite e-knjižico: Zadihajte na polno, avtorjev Patrick McKeown in Janez Hudovernik
  • Brezplačna udeležba na webinarju Moč Dihanja: Naslednje Poglavje, 21st decembra 2023, z avtorjem knjige Janezom Hudovernikom
  • 20°% popust na vse knjige iz založbe Pro Acta d.o.o.; kodo dobite ob prednaročilu
  • Sodelovanje v nagradnem žrebanju (pravila in nagrade najdete na spletni strani ). Glavne nagrade: 3 x individualna 45 minutni virtualni coaching z avtorjem knjige
ZAKAJ IZBRATI TO KNJIGO? Knjiga Moč dihanja vas bo vodila skozi vaš dan. Spoznajte več kot 50 prilagojenih dihalnih tehnik, ki so namenjene različnim trenutkom dneva. Ne glede na to, ali gre za jutranji zagon, preusmeritev pozornosti po dolgem sestanku ali pripravo na miren spanec, za to imamo ustrezen način dihanja!
  • Izboljšajte dihanje skozi ves dan. Naučite se globlje in učinkovitejše dihati, da boste v celice dovajali več kisika in se počutili bolj energično.
  • Ste se kdaj počutili preobremenjene ali zaskrbljene? Odkrijte metode za sproščanje uma in zmanjšanje stresa, ki vam bodo omogočile, da se z milostjo in vedrino soočite z izzivi.
  • Povečajte svojo produktivnost in sprostite svoj ustvarjalni potencial, tako da se naučite, kako z močjo dihanja vstopiti v stanje pretoka (flow).
  • Uživajte v večji vzdržljivosti pri telesnih dejavnostih, močni spolni energiji in celo v lajšanju pogostih težav, kot sta smrčanje in apneja med spanjem.
  • Vodite svoje otroke po učinkovitih tehnikah dihanja in jim postavite temelje za zdrav način življenja.
  • Izboljšajte svoje splošno zdravje in poskrbite, da se vsako jutro zbudite osveženi, pomlajeni in pripravljeni na nov dan.
Pridružite se številnim drugim, ki so spremenili svoje življenje z enim dihom naenkrat. Sprejmite skrito moč v sebi in bodite priča preobrazbi, ki se bo dotaknila vseh vidikov vašega življenja. Zdaj se potopite v knjigo Moč dihanja in dihajte na poti do bolj živahnega, osredotočenega in opolnomočenega sebe! Pomembno: Knjiga Moč dihanja vsebuje tudi poseben razdelek o dihanju za otroke. V tem poglavju starše in skrbnike učimo, kako lahko otroke naučijo učinkovitih tehnik dihanja, ki jim lahko pomagajo obvladovati stres, izboljšati zbranost in bolje spati. Ste pripravljeni sprostiti svoj polni potencial? Vaš dih je vaše najmočnejše orodje. Je ključ za izboljšanje vašega telesnega, duševnega in čustvenega zdravja. Začnite svoje potovanje še danes. Dihajte globlje, živite bolje. Še danes naročite svoj izvod knjige Moč dihanja in začnite dihati na poti k boljšemu življenju za vas in vašo družino!


Discover the Mysterious Power of Breathing!

“The Power of Breath: A 24-Hour Guide to Transforming Your Life Through Conscious Breathing”


  • Patrick McKeown, author of “The Oxygen Advantage” and founder of Buteyko Clinic International

Pre-Order Now and Get Bonuses

Immerse yourself in “The Power of Breath,” a book that will guide you step by step through your daily life and reveal masterful breathing exercises tailored to every moment of your day. From the first conscious breath when you wake up, through your morning rituals, work challenges, and household tasks to the calm breath that will escort you into your dreams. This book is not just a collection of exercises—it is your personal guide, gently reminding you of the importance of conscious breathing and inviting you to rediscover and strengthen your connection with yourself. Each technique presented is like a precious recipe that enriches your awareness, enhances your vitality, and brings you a sense of freshness, energy, and holistic health. Allow “The Power of Breath” to awaken you and take you on a journey where every breath is an opportunity for a new beginning.


The Power of Breath is not just a book; it is your path to a deeper connection with yourself. Discover the transformation of your life through the power of conscious breathing. But that’s not all this unique book has to offer. When you buy the book, you get many additional benefits:

  • Interactive learning: Get exclusive access to a web app with 11 selected videos of breathing exercises. Deepen your understanding through visual guides.
  • Additional chapters: Discover chapters that were too large for the print edition. More knowledge, more power.
  • Subscription benefits: Receive an attractive discount on a year’s subscription to the premium version of the book. Unlock all videos, extra content, articles, trivia, links, etc.
  • The Power of Breath Community: By registering your book, you become part of a larger group. Connect with like-minded people, share experiences, and get answers to the questions on your mind.

Go beyond the traditional boundaries of the printed book and take full advantage of the digital age.


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They said of the book:

“A brilliant book that cries out to be taken from theory to practice. In this case, the book is literally life-changing, as breathing is the key to managing and balancing all levels of our being.”

Jasmina Kandorfer, freelance researcher, TV host of “Coffee Chat”


“In his comprehensive manual ‘The Power of Breath’, Janez Hudovernik highlights the transformative power of conscious breathing, a universal tool that combines ancient wisdom with modern science and has the ability to improve overall health, mood, concentration, and longevity, ultimately openining the path to self-knowledge and empowerment.”

Patrick McKeown, author of “The Breathing Cure”


“Janez’s book offers what people need: simple, concrete, straightforward, practical, and systematic approaches to harnessing the power of breath, the most accessible tool for managing stress and improving health.”

Suzana Poznič Čižmek, PONSIA, lecturer, coach, and business skills trainer


Everything you ever wanted to know about breathing is here for you. It is the complete ‘breathing bible,’ guiding you through every possible question you can think of. Whether you are curious, intrigued, or passionate about how to make the most of your God-given gift of breathing advantage, Janez’s book will meet all your desires and expectations. He is a true master of the art of breathing!”

Chérie Carter-Scott, PhD, MCC, bestselling author of “If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules,” and is “The Mother of Coaching since 1974”


“Everyone, regardless of experience, can find an effective solution for their personal or professional life in Janez Hudovernik’s book. Anyone who has already identified a situation in which he or she could be better will find a practical solution in ‘The Power of Breath.’ The very wide range of effective solutions is what makes this book extremely valuable.”

Ambrož Cevc, coach and author of the Flow workout, Zlata pentlja


“’The Power of Breath: A 24-Hour Guide to Transforming Your Life Through Cconscious Breathing’ is a comprehensive resource of breathing knowledge and techniques, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their well-being and health.”

Gregor Pepel, Director of Parnad d.o.o.


Pre-Order Benefits:

  • Access to an online classroom with 11 breathing exercises
  • Breathe with the full e-booklet
  • Exclusive access to a live virtual book launch event on November 25th, 2023
  • Participation in a prize draw for a 45-minute virtual one-on-one coaching session with me
  • Discount on my first book, “Successful Under Pressure.” Pre-order “The Power of Breath” for only €15 (postage and VAT included)
  • Discount on the Premium Digital Book Package with all exercises and additional chapters presented



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